In perfect timing for maternity leave I found Ridesum

Linnéa Aarflot, dressyrtränaren och tävlingsryttaren som är baserad i England, upptäckte Ridesum under sin graviditet.

”Next month I’ll be too pregnant to fly, so I’m very happy that the genius digital live training platform and app RIDESUM exists!” skriver hon på sin blogg The Equestrian.

”Through Ridesum I can also help more combinations than before as I can charge less per lesson since I don’t have the cost and time for travel, and so I can welcome more riders. It also feels great for my environmentally conscious self, knowing that less travels is environmentally friendlier <3” skriver Linnéa. Läs hela inlägget HÄR.

Linnéa Aarflot bokar du i Ridesum app.